Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A girly Movie Night!

Last Friday Night Lauren and I had the privlidge of having some of our students over at the apartment. These are some of our younger students they are in High School. So we decided to have a girly movie night! We made brownies, Muddy Buddies, Hot choclate with lots of whipped cream and marsh mellows, popcorn, and of course soda! What Girly movie night would not be complete with out watching Twilight! The thing that amazed me the most was watching the girls reaction to everyting , it really made me think that sometimes the little things that we do for people can really make a difference in thier day or maybe even thier life. It was a great night of fellowship with these girls : )

Monday, March 22, 2010

He is like a tree planted by streams of water
that yields fruit in its season,and its leaf does
not wither. In all that he does,he prospers.
Psalm 1:3

I have been thinking about this over the past couple of days. It is winter here in Italy and all of
the trees are bare. After reading and pondering
over this psalm, I began too look at the trees and think.... What does my tree look like? Am I planted by a stream of water receiving my nourishment from Christ and His word or am I planted on some other ground. Do I have fruit on my tree, can my students see this in my life and they way I interact with others? Again I am reminded
of the the constant need I have for Gods grace in my life daily. As I continue to think
about this psalm I pray that my tree will always be planted in Christ and that I will continue to
grow and bare fruit for His glory....keeping my eyes on Him.

In all that he does, he prospers