Friday, February 12, 2010

Hello Everyone!

This week has been very exciting! In our classes this week we taught days of the week! To help
our students learn them better we taught the days of the week to the Adam's family tune! You can imagine how fun this was for them! For the past two weeks in our advanced classes we have been teaching them idioms ... smooth like butter , asap, at the drop of a hat..etc. On Wednesday we put them in groups and they had to make up a story using all the idioms they have learned. I have really enjoyed this week. Aside from classes we have also had the privilege of going to dinner and getting to know many of our students, it is just awesome how God is opening doors for us here in Udine!! This morning while reading my bible I came across a verse that made me think of this week....

Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God 1 Corinthians 10:31

this verse challenges me to give God the glory with whatever I am doing here in Italy!
Please continue to pray for Lauren Becky and I as we teach and for God to present us with opportunities to share his great love !! Above are a few pictures from classes this week!!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere
psalm 84:10

This verse has been running in my mind all week. I was in the kitchen when I heard this
song playing on the radio. It really made me think alot. This week in Italy I have had to face many new things and many challenging things. Getting used to the very cold weather and learning how to teach english when my Italian is very little. But I am constantly remined of this verse. Better is one day here in Italy doing what God has called me to do than a thousand days doing anything else other than that. This week these words are my motivation and are stirring me to " keep on keepin on " as Brother Bob would say! I am very thankful for a God
who remains the same everyday even when our lives seem challenging. What a privlidge it
is to serve him here in Italy!